What is the price of inaction?   

In early February, I attended the first week of meetings at the 53rd Commission for Social Development at the UN.  It was a rich and wonderful experience as people gathered from around the world to talk about what is needed in the world today.  Ban Ki Moon addressed the group by calling for global action: (more…)

Global Citizenship: a Utopian Idea?

“Your Christ is Jewish, your car Japanese, your pizza Italian, your democracy Greek, your coffee Brazilian, your vacation Turkish, your numbers Arabic, your alphabet Latin. Only your neighbor is a foreigner.” (from a poster seen on the walls of Berlin in 1994)


Standing Together for Sustainable Development

At the end of April twenty-eight Sisters of St. Joseph from fourteen countries and five continents came together in Brentwood, NY, to strategize how they might use their presence and influence to collaborate with their UN-NGO representative toward achieving sustainable development.  (more…)