Working with and for Women

In March 2017, several members of the CSJ Justice and Peace International Commission attended the United Nations 2017 Commission on the Status of Women. The theme for the Commission was “Women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work.”

In preparation for this meeting, we asked Sisters and Associates to send stories of how women were making a difference. (more…)

UN Focus on Ending Poverty

The UN Commission on Social Development held its 55th session at UN headquarters in New York, February 1-10, 2017. As its theme “Strategies for the eradication of poverty to achieve sustainable development for all” indicates, development is truly sustainable only when poverty in all its forms has ended. This year’s meeting gave particular focus to the most vulnerable, in particular youth and those with disabilities. (more…)

Working with Migrants and Refugees in Italy

In a recent visit to the Sisters of St. Joseph in northern Italy, specifically Torino, Aoste, Pinerolo and Cuneo, I became more aware of the situation of refugees and migrants and how the Sisters are engaged with these vulnerable groups. In Torino the Italian Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph is engaged in a collaborative ministry dedicated to caring for the physical, psychological, mental, spiritual and social needs of the migrants and refugees. (more…)